7 mins read

Mean Girls In Kindergarten? Dealing with Girl Drama

I have four kids – my boys are 15 and 13, my girls are 9 and 5. While my boys nearly drove me into the ground as toddlers with their endless physical energy and constant running around, the girls are currently winning the race to dig me an early grave with their ongoing girl drama and emotional highs and lows.If I had to choose, Id take the physical exhaustion of boys over the emotional …

7 mins read

What Is Mean? This is. Bullied In The Fourth Grade

There is this kid – a normal everyday kid who loves Legos and reading Diary of A Wimpy Kid, and Star Wars. He likes to play basketball and walk his dogs, and he says his prayers every night. He loves Elvis and the Beatles and sings them both, loudly and a little bit off key. He is…

5 mins read

My Son: The Recess Rebel

Well, summers over and school has started. Im back to waking up early, driving carpools, making lunches, helping with homework, and my all-time favorite, worrying about my kids social lives.

4 mins read

New Year’s Resolutions For Mom

I am not the biggest fan of New Year’s resolutions. Honestly, I am not sure I have ever made a New Year’s resolution that I have honored, but this year, I have decided to reflect honestly on the things I can do to be a better person and a better mom. Be more patient. As…