17 mins read

Meet the MILs: Which of These Mother-in-Law Types is Yours?

Let's face it, when you said "I do," you probably didn't realize you were also signing up for a lifelong subscription to MIL Magazine, complete with monthly issues filled with unsolicited advice, invasive questions, and the occasional guilt trip, courtesy of your brand new mother-in-law. For many, entering this uncharted territory can feel more like…

6 mins read

How I Dodged the Terrible Twos

Yesterday I was talking on the phone with my sister, asking how my little nephew has been. Were totally in the Terrible Twos, she sighed, her voice barely audible over the high-pitch wailing in the background that sounded like the cat was stuck in the pepper grinder. Hes mad because I put him in timeout for stabbing the dog with a fork.

3 mins read

How to Teach Teenagers Life Skills

Teaching teenagers life skills prepares them for their futures. Learning the skills they need prevents them from calling you every time they need to wash laundry or change a flat tire. It gives teens an advantage to know how to budget their money wisely and saves them money by knowing how to do basic maintenance skills. When a teenager knows basic life skills, he is more self-sufficient and adjusts better to adult responsibility.

2 mins read

The Best Tested Diet Pill That Works

The most effective diet pill on the market appears to be prescription drug orlistat, according to MayoClinic.com. Not to be mistaken for the over-the-counter formulation known as Alli, the more effective prescription orlistat is usually marketed as Xenical and requires a doctor’s approval for you to start the treatment.