2 mins read

Excessive Thirst During Pregnancy

Some women are said to have skin that glows during pregnancy. It’s possible this glow is caused in part by all that water you are drinking. Excessive thirst during pregnancy is common, according to AskDrSears.com. In most cases, the reasons you are so thirsty can be attributed to normal changes in the body during pregnancy.

3 mins read

How Do Children Overcome a Fear of Water?

While the water proves an enticing playground to some children, others harbor a fear of water that makes the same shallow pool seem like a dangerous place for play. If your child is aquaphobic, or has a fear of water, you can help him overcome it. By both considering the reasons behind this fear, and dedicating yourself to the task of helping him overcome it, you can transform your water-shy kid into an aqua-loving little swimmer.

3 mins read

Excessive Thirst in Kids

Children often ask for something to drink as a way to get attention. Just as you get her to bed and settle down with a new movie, you hear, “Mommy, I’m thirsty,” but what happens when the thirst is real and unquenchable? Children develop excessive thirst for many reasons. Understanding the different causes of excessive thirst and what to do about it can help alleviate your concerns.

2 mins read

Ways to Recycle Water

Recycling usually brings to mind cans, bottles and paper products, but recycling water is another way to benefit the environment and lower your utility bills. The water you save through various recycling efforts works well for watering houseplants and irrigating the landscaping outside your home.