2 mins read

Next Step for a Young Adult with Autism

Next Step for a Young Adult with Autism What comes after high school for many young adults? College! Is my child going to college? Yes. Our child decided, with our input, to attend our local community college for the two-year degree, and then go to a four-year school. Why did he make this decision? First,…

4 mins read

Another Autism Conference

I recently attended my…well, I don’t really know how many conferences on autism I have attended. Let’s just say, it’s a double digit number. Anyway, I ventured down to Huntington Library in San Marino, California and attended the first day of the Profectum Conference (Honoring Individual Differences: The Gateway to Supporting Neurodiversity in Autism and…

4 mins read

Mom Manners: Etiquette Tips for the Pool and Playground

As families everywhere say goodbye to school schedules, we are primed and ready for the lazy days of summer. But before packing up our bathing suits and sand-buckets, its important to lay down a few etiquette ground rules to guarantee enjoyment and safety for all. Nothing is more upsetting than a child (or parent) not playing by the rules or disrespecting someone elses property. We have enough stress to contend with during the school year, so everyone appreciates a little extra thoughtfulness during the summer.

7 mins read

The Link Between Endometriosis And Infertility

My need for support and companionship during my struggle with infertility and endometriosis led me to join the online patient community and through my involvement in this community, I have met the strongest, most inspiring women.Some of them have since become my closest friends and confidants. A good many of them started struggling with infertility in their 20s. Years passed as they tried many treatments and suffered miscarriages. Some of them did receive …