3 mins read

How to Study for the SAT Exam

The SAT standardized test, originally known as the Scholastic Aptitude Test, provides percentile scores used by many college admissions committees in evaluating college applications. The test covers mainly reading, writing and Math reasoning skill sets. Today, several additional and separate SAT subject tests also enable young people to demonstrate advanced knowledge in specific fields, such…

5 mins read

Are We Pressure-Cooking Our Kids?

The Washington Post doesnt have a Parenting section, although one might be as, if not more, useful than a Sports section. But there was an insightful, funny, comforting article about parenting recently in the Health & Science broadsheet. It was called A Pre-College Snooze (great title) and was written by mom Rebecca Lanning.

5 mins read

How Much Do Surrogate Mothers Get Paid?

Agreeing to become a surrogate mother means giving up approximately 10 months of your life to become pregnant, go through gestation, labor and delivery, and then give the baby to others who will become his parents. It is a life-changing experience for which the surrogate is compensated. Fees vary for different agencies, but in general all expenses for the pregnancy are paid, as well as a fee to the surrogate mother. Becoming a Surrogate