5 mins read

Technology Terrors and Our Kids

Two events occurred last week in my area that are sure to terrify parents everywhere. First, two Virginia Tech students were charged with kidnapping and killing 13-year-old Nicole Lovell, a Virginia seventh grader who used social media to escape bullying after surviving a liver transplant earlier in her life. Second, also in Maryland, a 22-year-old church…

2 mins read

Sleep Terrors in Children

Nightmares occur in some children at various points in childhood. Sleep terrors or night terrors go beyond a typical nightmare to a confusing and upsetting state. Night terrors don’t occur during REM sleep like nightmares. According to Kids Health by Nemours, sleep terrors are more of a reaction than an actual nightmare, usually occurring as the child moves to a different phase of sleep.

3 mins read

Night Terrors in Children

Night terrors, a rare sleep disorder seen in children, are much more than ordinary nightmares. During a night terror, a parent is not usually able to calm the child. In fact, it is difficult to awaken a child who is suffering from night terrors. While night terrors are frightening to the parents, they do not pose a health threat to the child. Most children do not even remember the episode when they wake up the next morning.