3 mins read

How Women Deal With Erectile Dysfunction

While erectile dysfunction is not something that physically impacts women, those partnered with an erectile dysfunction sufferer will certainly feel the effects. If your partner is struggling with erectile dysfunction, you can play a part in helping him come to terms with and treat the disorder. By learning about erectile dysfunction, you can prepare to modify your relationship to accommodate this challenge.

3 mins read

Natural Foods to Cure Erectile Dysfunction

If your partner has problems with erectile dysfunction, it can wreak havoc on your relationship. Fortunately, eating healthier can help resolve the problem. You can encourage your partner to eat healthy foods by purchasing and preparing them. The whole family can enjoy the health benefits of eating these types of foods.

1 min read

An Exercise for Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a serious problem for men. If your man is having problems, it affects both your sex life and your relationship. Men can treat some forms of erectile dysfunction through exercises that work the pubococcygeus muscles, or PC muscles. These pelvic area muscles control the flow of urine and ejaculation. Exercising them also improves blood flow to the penis, which helps cure one of the most-common causes of erectile dysfunction–leaking veins in the penis. The exercises that work the PC muscles are commonly called “Kegels.” Encourage your guy to do these exercises.

2 mins read

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

According to research published in the October 2000 issue of the “Canadian Medical Association Journal,” more than 100 million men worldwide experience some form of erectile dysfunction over the course of a lifetime. Although the symptoms are similar in different cases–difficulty achieving and maintaining an erection and decreased sexual desire–erectile dysfunction is caused by a wide variety of physiological, pharmaceutical and psychological factors.

2 mins read

Herbal Remedies for Male Infertility

If your sex life has become lackluster due to infertility or sexual energy problems, you and your partner may both feel frustrated and even less confident than usual. While a number of medications can potentially help increase fertility, some natural remedies can help boost sexual virility, notes both MayoClinic.com and the University of Maryland Medical Center. But before giving your man any herbs or supplements, check with his doctor if he is taking any type of medication or has a preexisting health condition such as high blood pressure.