6 mins read

7 Tips for Detoxing and Restoring Energy

I have two very high energy children and run two to three jobs at any given time.  Add housework, household finances, trying to exercise, and lack of sleep into the mix and my head is constantly spinning.   Do I constantly crave a balance to keep all the juggling balls in the air?  You better believe…

6 mins read

Mom’s Hurricane Survival Kit

When big storms hit, it suddenly dawns on me that while I might be prepared for the wrath of Mother Nature, I am not in any way prepared for the wrath of the six bored children stuck inside my house because of a storm. In order to be prepared for a storm, the American Red Cross recommends these supplies:

2 mins read

How to Conserve Energy

Anyone can learn to conserve energy. If you already take action to preserve our resources, review this list for other “green” strategies to incorporate into your life. Try a couple of ideas first, then expand to others. If you need motivation, research your personal carbon footprint and think of ways to reduce it.

7 mins read

All Aboard the Holiday Express…

The holiday season. I liken it to an express train on a long, straight track: You can see it coming from miles away, but you don’t realize how fast it’s approaching until it’s flying by, leaving your ears ringing, your hair a windswept mess, and the pit of your stomach churning with unspent adrenaline. With…

7 mins read

Why My Heart is Breaking for Chrissy Teigen

One of the downsides of being a public figure when you share so much of your life is also sharing when super hard things happen. Sadly, as most of you have already heard, Chrissy Teigen and John Legend lost their baby halfway through the pregnancy this week.Teigen has been in the hospital due to heavy…