2 mins read

Tax Credit for Energy Efficient Improvements

Implementing energy-efficient improvements in your home not only helps the environment, but it keeps your wallet filled too. Along with long-term energy savings, you will save money through tax credits. The federal government actively promotes its energy-efficiency tax-credit programs to lead American homes toward increased energy efficiency.

3 mins read

10 Energy-Saving Laundry Tips

The never-ending pile of laundry also drives up energy consumption in the home. Simple changes to your laundry washing and drying routine mean less energy used. This translates to more money saved, a benefit everyone can appreciate. Eco-friendly and budget-friendly laundry techniques don’t require much extra effort or time, making them fit into a family’s busy lifestyle.

3 mins read

Ways to Save on Your Energy Bill

Utility bills add up to an average of $1,900 for most families in the U.S., according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Lowering your utility bills gives you more money in the budget for other expenses while benefiting the environment by conserving fossil fuels. Some energy-reducing strategies are simple to begin immediately, while others take some time and upfront investment.

2 mins read

The Best Ways to Conserve Energy in Your Home

Former President Jimmy Carter may have said it best: The best way to conserve energy is to not use so much of it. Americans use 24 percent of the world’s energy and only make up 5 percent of the world’s total population, according to Mindfully.org. In fact, on average, one American uses more energy than 370 Ethiopians. Fortunately, some simple things can be done around the house that are not only practical, but they also conserve energy.

2 mins read

How to Conserve Energy

Anyone can learn to conserve energy. If you already take action to preserve our resources, review this list for other “green” strategies to incorporate into your life. Try a couple of ideas first, then expand to others. If you need motivation, research your personal carbon footprint and think of ways to reduce it.