3 mins read

New Year’s Eve Decorating Ideas

Greet the New Year with a fun-filled party! Because what better way to celebrate New Year’s Eve than with good company, good food and good drinks? Set the stage by designing your space with some festive and fun accents. Complementing your party with the right decorations will create the right mood for the occasion and add an extra sparkle to your event!

4 mins read

My Historic Weekend at the White House

I just finished watching President Obama speak. I am wondering how I will address the news of bin Ladens death to my children. Surely it will be the talk of school, and they will have many questions. I stood in the West Wing just days ago during my tour of the White House. I cannot imagine how preoccupied President Obama must have been as he delivered his toast at last nights White House Correspondents Dinner. Hopefully, the laughter of the 2000 plus people that filled the room allowed our president to escape for a moment.

8 mins read

Royal Obsession: Will & Kate

One day. One short day! Those are the words I imagine are doing roller coaster loops in Kate Middleton’s mind right about now. She is set to marry His Royal Highness Prince William of Wales on Friday morning, making her the luckiest girl in the world, I’m pretty sure. If anyone is livin’ the dream right now, it is most definitely Kate Middleton.