1 min read

Fast, Easy, Effective Cardio

Whether your indoors or out, bored by machines or not- here are some super effective cardio suggestions.You are guaranteed to feel fit, fancy and really self confident afterwards. Maybeeven do one each day for three days? See how that feels!

21 mins read

101 Ways to Make a Difficult Divorce Easier on Your Children

The following is a list of things you can do to make your children’s lives easier after a divorce. Read these tips as reminders of what you and your co-parent should be doing to ease the stress of divorce on your children. Remember that the reason why you should do these things is that if you don’t your children will join the ranks of those who become emotionally hurt by the process of divorce.

5 mins read

Sleeping and Feeding Tips For New Moms

This post is in with partnership with Mirum. There's nothing more exciting or terrifying as becoming a mother. When that doctor puts your newborn in your arms for the first time, it's the most incredible and indescribable moment. But what happens after you leave the hospital? You get home and realize you now have to…

7 mins read

Forget Facebook: The Sexting Apps Parents Need To Know

As a child, I remember hearing the ominous male voice on the TV commercial asking parents:It’s 10 PM. Do you know where your children are? These day, its a little easier to track our kids whereabouts with the help of smart phones and GPS. What we parents dont always know, however, is where our kids our hanging out online.Ill be the first to admit that I cant keep …