2 mins read

Teen Birth Control Methods

Birth control is a significant consideration for sexually active teens and their parents. Teens need accurate, factual information to make decisions about sexuality and contraception. Many of the contraceptives on the market today are safe, effective and appropriate for sexually active teens. Understanding the options available for your teen can help you to inform and guide her as she makes these adult choices.

3 mins read

Birth Control Methods & Breastfeeding

Many families wish to postpone the birth of another child for a few years after having one. If you’re breastfeeding, though, your options become more limited because certain types of birth controls contain hormones that can go into your breast milk. Fortunately, there are both natural and hormonal methods that you can use to avoid another pregnancy before you’re ready.

2 mins read

Methods of Birth Control While Breastfeeding

Another pregnancy is far from the minds of most breastfeeding women, especially those with newborns. While exclusive breastfeeding can prevent pregnancy, it is not 100 percent effective and becomes less effective as your baby gets older. Exploring postpartum birth control options helps you choose the safest option for you while nursing your baby.

2 mins read

Birth Control Methods That Last a Year

Whether you’re in a stable relationship or not, it’s smart to use birth control methods to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Many different types of birth control are available for you to choose from, but if you want convenience, you should look for birth control methods that last a year or longer.