3 mins read

What’s Budget Friendly For This Thanksgiving’s Meal

Thanksgiving is quickly approaching, and if you’re feeling a bit behind in your preparations, you’re not alone. I recently had to do a quick Google search to double-check the date for this year’s Thanksgiving, and it’s safe to say that many of us are in the same boat. As the TSA anticipates record numbers of travelers at airports, it’s clear that this year’s Thanksgiving will be a big one for many Americans. But amid the holiday hustle and bustle, there’s some good news for those planning to host a traditional turkey feast at home – the cost of the holiday centerpiece, the turkey, has seen a significant drop in prices this year, making home-cooked celebrations more budget-friendly.

2 mins read

How to Lose Weight With Six Small Meals

In the quest to slim down, many women skip meals, resulting in insatiable hunger and the resulting discomfort and struggle. Although it may logically seem that cutting way down on your eating is the best way to lose weight, many find that simply modifying the way in which they eat is more effective. Some argue that, instead of skipping meals, dieters should actually increase the frequency of their eating. By upping their meal regularity, these diners can avoid hunger pains and keep their body working and burning fat throughout the day.

3 mins read

How to Plan Healthy Meals on a Budget

Eating healthy is increasingly important for families, as they combat diseases such as childhood obesity, Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Paired with proper exercise and sufficient sleep, eating healthy meals can keep families energized and out of the doctor’s office. By eliminating junk food such as sugary sodas, chips and cookies, families can begin to adopt healthy eating habits. Planning healthy meals doesn’t have to break a family’s bank; in fact, with planning and preparation, families can plan healthy meals on a budget.

5 mins read

How Effective Is Alli?

With the dizzying array of diet pills and weight-loss aids available in every drug store, finding your way through the maze of what works, what doesn’t and what may actually harm you can be tough. You’ve probably heard of Alli, one of those hip new weight-control products that is supposed to be the easiest way ever to help you lose weight. It basically stops your body from absorbing the fat from the food you eat. How could you go wrong? Experts from the Mayo Clinic and the Duke Diet and Fitness Center agree that while Alli can contribute to a decrease in weight, it will only do so effectively with a low-fat, low-calorie diet and regular exercise plan.

5 mins read

Effective Discipline for Toddlers

Once their baby begins walking and talking, many parents find themselves wondering how to discipline their toddler. While the idea of “discipline” has negative connotations for many, disciplining your child provides necessary boundaries and age-appropriate consequences. With toddlers, many effective discipline techniques deal more with preventing behavior issues and tantrums than with punishment. With some thought and strategy, you can provide effective discipline for your child from age one to three.