3 mins read

Eco-Friendly Cleaners vs Regular Household Cleaners

“Eco-friendly” is a big-time buzzword in the home-cleaning aisles at nearly every store. Specialty companies offer cleaning supplies of all sorts, often in distinctive packaging and fragrances. Even common household names are getting in on the green trend and marketing their own eco-friendly cleaning products. Eco-friendly cleaners often come with a higher price tag, but you may wonder whether they can make a difference in your home and for the environment.

7 mins read

Healthy, Eco-Friendly Lunches for Your Kids

Gone are the days of brown and plastic bags that we have used to pack our kids lunches in. Fantastic eco friendly companies with innovative fashionable products are now hitting the market for us eco- friendly parents! Some American schools are now enforcing or highly suggesting that lunches be packed in eco friendly containers. I think it is a great idea and a great direction that eventually most schools will follow.

2 mins read

How to Buy Eco-Friendly Clothes

If you are hoping to make eco-friendly clothing choices for your family, shopping can pose challenges. There are multiple issues involved in choosing eco-friendly clothes, including fibers, production and marketing. However, purchasing eco-friendly clothes provides the opportunity for your children and yourself to be smart, sustainable and practical.

3 mins read

About Eco-Friendly Living

Eco-friendly living is on the rise, ranging from recycling and reusing to making better food choices and building green structures. Even small changes can make a big difference in not only reducing your impact on the environment but also making your home a healthier place. Between work, personal and family obligations, making time to live a greener life can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be impossible or even time consuming.