3 mins read

Substitution for Oil in Baking Brownies

There's never anything better than sitting down and munching on a delicious, homemade brownie. Scrumptious and enjoyable, these tasty treats have one downfall: They're fattening. This tends to scare people away, as they choose to consume healthier options. However, there are plenty of options out there as a substitution for oil in baking brownies, one…

2 mins read

Ancient Baby Names for Girls

Set your newborn baby girl apart from the Kristens, Megans and Emmas of the world by choosing a name for her from antiquity. If you are fond of ancient Greek mythology, name your daughter after one of the Greek goddesses. If Indian culture appeals to you, choose a name from Sanskrit. You can also choose a name from the Old or New Testament, or an ancient Celtic name.

6 mins read

Motherhood Moments: Chronicles of a Single Mom

There are moments you wish for and look forward to most as a mom… as a parent really. Those moments are precious milestones that you read about in books; stories you hear about from friends and family members who have been around the proverbial parenting block more than once.

6 mins read

Childhood Lessons in Finance

BIG Disclaimer: I am not by any means a financial professional! Besides a few random accounting classes I took while pursing my economics degree, which I remember about 0%, OK maaaaybe 1% credit and debit, I don have ANY background in finance. What I am about to share is based solely on my own personal experience of what has worked and has not worked for me in terms of managing our familys finances.