4 mins read

Feeding Kids’ Curiosity at Home

When my kids were little, summers were tough enough balancing summer camps and fights over the same toys surrounded by a floor littered with plenty of choices. “Mom, that’s mine.” “Mom, she won’t share.” With the amount of time parents and kids have spent at home over the last year in the midst of pandemic…

3 mins read

11 Tips for Traveling with Kids

Before you know it, summer vacation will be here. If you’re planning a family adventure, the following tips and tricks will help you pull it off like a pro even with a tiny traveler in tow! 1. Choose flight times wisely. Don’t kick off the …

3 mins read

Advantages of Organic Food

Organic food, once regarded as part of hippie culture, is quickly gaining in popularity and commanding larger sections in local supermarkets. Even big business wants a part of the “green” as they race to create products that are more environmentally and health-friendly. The advantages of organic food are many. While some consumers might buy organic food strictly for its health benefits, others support the organic movement for environmental reasons and animal rights. Lastly, there are those who just want to see their local organic farmers thrive.

3 mins read

Eclipse Viewing Tips To Keep You Safe

What is the eclipse? A total solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes directly in front of the sun casting the moon’s shadow on the earth. Because of the vast distances between the sun, the moon and the earth, this shadow is only about 70 miles in diameter at the earth’s surface, and travels rapidly…