4 mins read

Re-Discovering Yourself and Your Passions after Divorce

The desire to discover new passions is usually influenced by major changes in life. Retirement, marriage, birth and divorce are all life-changing events in which new passions may become nurtured. Divorce can inspire a person to rediscover and pursue a dormant passion that was not supported by their ex-spouse, like landscaping or jogging, or discover a new passion. Not all people have activities they are passionate about; yet they feel something is missing in their lives. Activities that a divorcing couple was passionate about together may not carry the same passion individually as it did when they were together. In these cases, a person may be at loss about how to discover new passions. Thankfully, discovering new passions is possible. With a little openness, adventure and fun, any one can discover new passions that bring joy to life.

9 mins read

Fall is the New Spring

We’re one month into autumn. School and work and life schedules have reverted to some sort of “normal” structure. Sweaters and suits have come out of closets to replace bikinis and sunglasses. Leaves are changing from green to red, gold, and brown, or, depending on where you are, have already begun to fall. There’s a…

8 mins read

A Matter of Life: Suicide Awareness and Prevention

Motherhood can be a dream. Nothing compares to welcoming your own children into the world, to watching them take their first steps, to hearing their first words, to seeing them make friends, go to school, graduate, begin their careers, start families of their own... Motherhood can also be a nightmare. Nothing is more agonizing than…

3 mins read

Pain During Sex in Pregnancy

For most women, sex is safe during the course of a normal pregnancy, which Kids Health defines as one that carries a low risk for complications. But even during a normal pregnancy, sex can be painful for the mom-to-be. Not all the causes of pain during sex mean something serious is wrong with you or your baby. However, you should inform your health care provider of any painful symptoms and discuss your concerns with her.