2 mins read

How Long After Pregnancy Can You Get Pregnant Again?

That little bundle of snuggliness leaves you with many feelings. You are probably proud, smitten, excited, overwhelmed, tired, happy, eager and contemplative. When he first arrives, the thoughts of birth are probably lingering on your mind, but as the days pass, you may feel more ready for another. Whether you are ready immediately or not, you should know that getting pregnant can happen quickly.

5 mins read

10 Things To Know If You Have A Premature Baby

The following post is by Jennifer Degl. Please check out her amazing journey at From Hope To Joy. Luckily, most people will never understand what it’s like to have a micro preemie born at the cusp of viability. A baby which, in the blink of an eye, can have any number of things go wrong…

4 mins read

A Mother’s Love Makes a Miracle

Ava Kaufman, a former professional dancer, seemed to have the perfect life. She married a football hero, adopted her daughter Jade, and built a series of successful moving companies in Beverly Hills. Originally from New York, Ava dreamed of moving to Los Angeles to become a star. She became a professional back-up dancer and danced around the world with many music artists, including Gloria Gaynor.

5 mins read

Hormone Changes in Women

The process of growing from infancy to girlhood, young adulthood and old age is significantly impacted by both the presence and absence of natural hormones. A woman’s hormones tell her body when to enter puberty, when to prepare for and feed a baby and when the child-bearing years should cease. Hormones regulate her monthly periods and influence her moods, sex drive and complexion. They are also linked to significant diseases such as breast cancer, osteoporosis and heart disease.