4 mins read

5 Unhealthy Habits to Break Before it’s Too Late

You want to live a long, full, productive life with the energy, focus and confidence to succeed in all levels. But, sometimes, on this path, maintaining your health drops on the list. Someday, you say, Im going to get my health back on track, after this next project, or when the kids get a little older…” Cmon, you know your list of reasons – or what I call EXCUSES – better than me. Look, if youre waiting for some magical day to appear, you just may be waiting forever.

3 mins read

How to Instill Healthy Habits

As a parent one of the greatest gifts you can pass on to your child is good habits. These habits include healthy eating habits, good manners, good works habits and other important life lessons. New parents often struggle with how to make sure they are instilling healthy habits in their children to insure they grow up to be healthy, responsible adults with the ability to pass on to their children what they learned from you.

3 mins read

The Best Weight-Loss Plans on the Market

Some diet plans are better than others. A few weight-loss plans promise you rapid results but only if you make drastic, unrealistic changes to your diet and exercise routines. Diets that promise rapid results can actually be dangerous to your health. It may take you a while to loss a significant amount of weight on some plans, but on the best plans, you are more likely to make permanent changes to the way you think about food and exercise. According to the Mayo Clinic and Medicine Net, the best plans teach you to properly control portions, eat healthy foods and exercise.