2 mins read

10 Holiday Movies We Can’t Imagine Christmas Without

Every year, after all the presents are wrapped and under the tree, you can find my family curled up on the couch for Christmas Eve Movie Night.My brother usually suggests Die Hard (nice try) while my dad mentions some obscure version of A Christmas Carol that is frankly terrifying – but ultimately we go traditional.As years of practice have made me an expert in the field, I have put together a definitive list of …

3 mins read

What Vitamins Decrease Sexual Desire?

There is no definitive list of vitamins that decrease sexual desire. Although one natural supplement may decrease sexual desire, lifestyle changes and prescription drugs, not vitamins, are commonly linked to decreasing desire. Everyday occurrences including stress, dealing with children, boredom and low self-esteem can hurt a person’s sex drive. Much research has been done on which vitamins improve sexual desire, but there doesn’t seem to be a high demand for vitamins that decrease sexuality. If you’re looking for vitamins that decrease sexual desire, you’re best off talking to your health care practitioner. Ask her about taking herbal supplements, prescription medications or making lifestyle changes. Sexual desire is rather elusive, especially for women, and highly individualized.

2 mins read

Which Foods Make Breastfed Babies Gassy?

Many people think that certain “gassy” foods a nursing mom eats will cause her baby to have gas. But, according to Kelly Bonyata, an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, this widespread notion is not founded in actual research. There is no definitive list of what breastfeeding moms should eat, because each baby has different food reactions. Breast milk is made from the substances that pass through a mother’s bloodstream, not her gastrointestinal tract or stomach. Foods that are gassy for a mom have no real effects on her baby. Even though this is true, whatever a mom eats still can affect her baby. Some babies have food sensitivities that can result in gas, rashes, colic and excessive spit-up. Moms can go on an elimination diet to determine which foods bother her baby by forgoing one “fuss food” at a time. Some babies have gas no matter what their moms do, and there is no need to worry as long as they aren’t in pain or showing other signs of food sensitivities. Babies have immature digestive systems that will improve with time.

5 mins read

Holiday Movie Night Recommendations

After eating the turkey itself, there’s nothing better than curling up as a family in front of a warm fireplace and watching a classic holiday movie. It’s even better when there’s snow outside and you have nowhere to go for a few days. So sit back, relax and enjoy our list of classic holiday shows you just have to see.

7 mins read

Autism and Sheldon Cooper

Why do I have Sheldon Cooper on the brain? Sheldon Cooper is one of the main characters on the TV show The Big Bang Theory. I guess there are several reasons why I’ve had Sheldon Cooper on my brain lately. First, the regular season (Season 11) of Big Bang is back and I’ve watched two…