3 mins read

Not in the Mood? It Could Be Your Age!

As a woman ages, her attitude about sex may change as well. How a woman feels – physically as well as mentally – can play a part in how aging affects her sex drive. Although aging often decreases a womans desire for sex, there are many things you can do to alter your libido and enhance your sexual experience.

3 mins read

Diet for Menopausal Women

Menopause, sometimes referred to as the change of life, is a normal, natural part of the aging process — not a disease or medical condition. Menopause refers the end of a woman’s reproductive fertility when a woman’s ovaries cease to produce viable eggs and is marked as having occurred 12 months after her final menstrual period. Women can prepare for the change by starting a healthy exercise, diet and lifestyle routine.

2 mins read

Menopause Symptoms & Sex

Menopause is the time in a woman’s life when she stops menstruating and thus can no longer bear children, according to Net Doctor. While the hormonal changes in a menopausal woman’s body can wreak havoc on previously enjoyed activities, including intercourse, this phase in life does not necessarily mean the end of sex, notes “Woman’s Day Magazine.”

4 mins read

Effects of Aging on Sex for Women

Engaging in sex is both a normal function and an enjoyable experience that is essential to a woman’s personal health as well helping to maintain a viable relationship with her spouse or partner. But as a woman ages, her attitudes about sex may change. How a woman feels physically as well as mentally can play a part in how aging affects her sex drive. Although aging often decreases a woman’s desire for sex, there are many things she can do to alter her libido and enhance her sexual experience.

2 mins read

The Post-Baby Bedroom Slump

Did you lose your mojo in a big way after becoming a new mom? While doctors say it’s okay to start having sex again around six weeks after having a child, many women report experiencinga decreased sex drive after pregnancy. In fact, some moms don’t feel ready for up to a year. Sound disconcerting? Relax. It’s quite common, and there is a whole host of reasons why this happens.