3 mins read

What to Do When Kids Fight for Attention

My husband and I learned soon into the process of parenting two children (which soon multiplied into four children) that each needed, wanted and deserved his or her own special time. In the multi-tasking mayhem of a typical family day, it is simply impossible to dedicate quantity based special time to each of our children each day.

2 mins read

What is the best way to make resolutions and stick with them

The best way to make resolutions is to determine what you want and can realistically change. It has to be something you want to do otherwise you WILL falter and fail. Be Specific: Once you decide on what you want to do, be specific in your resolution/goal: instead of I want to lose weight, make your resolution more specific like I will exercise and diet to reach a goal weight of X. Instead of I want to save money this year try I will save $X per quarter for a total of at least $X for this year.

3 mins read

Health Insurance & Pregnancy

The birth of a child is expensive. Without insurance, an uncomplicated birth can cost between $9,000 and $25,000, as of 2008. If there are additional complications, the costs can rise much higher. If you’re pregnant, health insurance is a must–it will take care of the bulk of these costs in most cases. However, you still have options if you are pregnant without health insurance.

3 mins read

Divorce & Credit Repair

Going through a divorce can wreak havoc on your credit report. You have to take care to separate all your accounts, and there is always the chance that your ex will try to do something to ruin your credit. Fortunately, once you take care of all the details, you can work toward rebuilding your credit.