2 mins read

Daytime Allergy Relief

Seasonal and environmental allergies are an uncomfortable reality for many people. Unfortunately, many antihistamines and decongestants can cause drowsiness, making them a poor choice for daytime use. The right medications and coping strategies can keep you at your best in the battle against watery eyes, a runny nose and other allergy symptoms.

9 mins read

Ways to Engage Babies and Toddlers in Reading

The beginning years: The importance of the first 5 years Do you have a little one at home and have you thought about how you can challenge your baby and toddler on learning and staying engaged in reading? Babies’ brains continue to form after they are born. They are forming for physical development, and  also…

6 mins read

Tips For Handling Hot Flashes

The origin of a hot flash or night sweat can tend to be confusing even for most doctors. They believe it is related to sex hormone fluctuations which is only part of story. My 33 years in the women’s health field allowed me to use my empirical evidence of observation to learn the real cause…

4 mins read

The Struggles of Working at Home

At this day in age, with technology so easily accessible, it is no wonder why millions of moms everywhere have decided to try to help support their family income with side jobs, while at home raising their young children. Not that child rearing is an easy chore in itself, but because the world is so…

5 mins read

The latest breakthroughs in skincare – and it’s all natural.

What you need to know about the latest breakthroughs in skincare – and it’s all natural. For centuries humans have been on that elusive search for the fountain of youth. And while a magical spring has not been discovered, did you know that there are significant advances being made in skincare technology today? These advances…