5 mins read

Online Dating In Your Forties

Online dating sites are like virtual Amazon.com’s for finding a mate. There are all sorts of sites to find all sorts of people. There are sites for young people, old people, tall people, short people, religious people, people who are farmers, people who make a lot of money, people who don’t make a lot of…

3 mins read

Together We Can Stop Teen Dating Abuse

Nearly six years ago, Yeardley Love’s family received an unforgettable phone call. The 22-year-old college student and lacrosse player had been murdered by her ex-boyfriend and fellow lacrosse player, George Huguely, three weeks before their graduation from the University of Virginia. Two families were destroyed. Before Yeardley’s murder, the solution seemed simple: Yeardley had to…

4 mins read

7 Surprisingly Dangerous Social Media Sites For Teens

It is comforting to believe we have taught our children to avoid common pitfalls in life that might expose them to danger, like texting while driving or getting into a stranger’s van. Parents often enforce curfews and stress the importance of abstaining from risky behaviors to keep children safe, but we often overlook some common…

3 mins read

Why Women Should Use Caution With Internet Dating

When standard ways of finding a man prove unsuccessful, many women might try the Internet. While Internet dating can be an effective way to find the perfect partner for you, it has some safety risks. Don’t let your online quest for love leave you suffering ill consequences- take caution when seeking the man of your dreams in cyberspace.