6 mins read

How will the pandemic change you?

Growing up, I spent a lot of time at my grandparents’ house. They lived about 10 minutes away and their place was my second home. I went there after school as a kid, and in high school, nearly every night to call my friends who lived in their phone prefix. In those days, long-distance was…

7 mins read

When Bad Parenting IS Our Business

I can imagine few things more horrifying than living for months on a 36-foot sailboat with a 3-year-old and 12-month-old.Youd have to pay me, oh, about 20 million bucks to step foot onto a small sailboat with two young kids.And even then, I wouldn’t do it. I wouldn’t even take kids that age on an ocean liner cruise ship. For the simple reason that I would be endangering the lives …

5 mins read

I am NOT Celebrating the Return of Football Season

Excuse me, but am I the only woman not celebrating the return of football season? Today the NFL lockout ended and now the loss of my husbands mind begins. Somehow weve been lucky enough to make it through fourteen football seasons together but I always fear that this year will be the last.