5 mins read

Why Boys Need Boyfriends

A college boyfriend once asked me the following question: What does every person on earth need to survive? He liked to quiz me like this every so often. His tone made it clear that there was only one correct answer. Love, I said instantly, 100% confident my answer was right.

6 mins read

Healthy Raw Food Snack Ideas

Our seven-year old daughter enjoys eating raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. What’s so strange about that? Absolutely nothing! Except thats all shes eaten since she was weaned off of breast milk. Perhaps the strange part, if there really is one, is that not only does eating raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds seem perfectly normal to our daughter, but also that we had to go to great lengths to explain why some people choose to eat other fare.

5 mins read

France Stands Strong on Burqa Ban

A “burqa” is an enveloping outer garment worn by women in some Islamic traditions to cover their bodies in public places. The burqa can refer to the woman’s loose body-covering plus the head-covering and face-veil, but is more generally understood to refer to just the head-covering. I, like many others, have seen women wearing these pieces, but have never truly understood their significance. I always assumed they were a vestige of cultural and religious tradition, and I never expected them to be at the root of such uproarious controversy. But since France’s recent ban of most types of face-coverings, these little pieces of fabric have spurred other European countries to consider similar laws and inspired fear in French Muslims that the rule will permanently stigmatize them.