4 mins read

The Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents by Deepak Chopra

When I finished reading Women, Food, and God by Geneen Roth, I wasnt sure what to read next. Making time for reading has enhanced my day and uplifted me. Sometimes it is a few minutes early in the morning. Other times it is for 30 min before bed. When I love what I am reading I seem to find ways to squeeze in a few pages here and there. I googled Deepak Chopra, an …

2 mins read

Spiritual Baby Names

Parents who have a meaningful spiritual life are often eager to instill these concepts and ideals in their new children. By using spiritual names for their babies, these parents can start this process from birth. From classic Bible names to more contemporary spiritual name options, there many spiritually relevant names available to new moms and dads.

4 mins read

A New Way to Discipline Your Kids: The Baseball Approach

At the end of the day, some moms count up all the times theyve had to nag or remind or discipline their children. Dont hit your brother. Stop picking your nose. Stop talking back. Dont fart at the table. Wash your hands. Pull your pants up. Dont disobey. Listen the first time. Say hi to the lady and look her in the face. Dont use the toilet lid as your own basketball hoop backboard. Dont, dont, dont, stop, stop, stop.

8 mins read

Handicapped Parking for Autistics

Handicapped Parking for Autistics I recently got into a spirited conversation with a couple other AutMoms regarding autism and whether or not people with autism should get handicapped placards. What is the issue? I responded to a Facebook post which was a page from an AutDad's blog. The post was about getting handicapped parking for…

7 mins read

What’s In Your Inner Beauty Bag?

While Facebook is not the most comprehensive look at a persons life, you often learn a lot about priorities and patterns examining social media posts. Me? Youd learn that Im passionate about autism, my writing, my family and my friends. May sound like an amateur move, but I thought Id poke around the Facebook page of Felita Harris, Senior Vice President of Global Sales for Donna Karan New York, before diving …