1 min read

Convenience Food for a 2,000-Calorie Diet Plan

Once you made the decision to follow a daily 2,000-calorie diet plan, you may have also discovered how time consuming it can be to count and record calories for every food you want to eat throughout the day. Using prepackaged convenience foods can eliminate the bulk of that process.

6 mins read

Behind the Counter: Store Clerk Slaps Childs Hand

As a mother I silently vowed to protect my daughter from harm the day she was born. As an adult I vow to be mature and handle situations with the most integrity possible. I am a role model, after all. Those little eyes watch every move I make and listen to every word that comes from my mouth. However, what happens when those two situations combine? It’s time to elaborate.

3 mins read

The South Beach Diet, the Grapefruit Diet…the Twinkie Diet?

Yep, its true and the even more bizarre truth behind this diet is that it was created by A NUTRITION PROFESSOR! Mark Haub set out to prove that how much you eat is more important than what you eat in terms of weight loss so he designed what he calls the convenience store diet based on Little Debbies, Doritos, Oreos, sugary cereals and yep, Twinkies.

3 mins read

The Best Early Pregnancy Tests

Whether a woman is planning or not planning to get pregnant, nothing will give her peace of mind until she knows whether she is or she isn’t. Early detection is crucial to those who are trying to get pregnant but who have had previous complications. Knowing as soon as possible helps them take the necessary precautions for their safety and for their baby’s safety. If you are trying to become pregnant, even without a history of complications, using early-detection pregnancy tests will help you determine as soon as possible if you are about to join the mommyhood.

7 mins read

Be Kind. Be Human.

Today didn’t set out to bad or good. Just a day, like any other, filled with work and things to do. I wasn’t expecting greatness. But I certainly wasn’t expecting sadness. And yet there it was, death — a little too close to home, hard to process, making my head spin. But while my head…