3 mins read

Why Is My Child Bed-Wetting?

Children rarely wet the bed on purpose or because they’re too lazy to get up, so it doesn’t do any good to punish your child or get angry with him for doing so. Bed-wetting is a medical condition called enuresis. About 5 to 7 million children in the United States have this problem, most of them boys. Bed-wetting usually clears up on its own by the time a child is 6 years old.

6 mins read

Behold The Magic of The Six M’s

The following is a guest post by Jeff Lantos, a 5th grade teacher at Marquez Elementary School. This week my fellow teachers and I will greet our new students and begin implementing the lessons we’ve outlined in our plan-books.  Most of these lessons will focus on math and language arts.  In fact, most mornings will…

3 mins read

Hair Regrowth Products for Women

According to the American Hair Loss Association, nearly half the people suffering from hair loss are women. Unlike male pattern balding in which hair loss is almost always genetic, the causes for female pattern hair loss are numerous. Genetics, stress, pregnancy and childbirth, poor nutrition, hormonal imbalances, the use of certain medications and too-tight hairstyles can all contribute to hair loss. Fortunately, there are hair-loss treatments that encourage regrowth.

3 mins read

Snow Games for Kids

Let it snow. It’s a romantic thought, but the cabin fever that snowing sometimes creates is enough to make any mom feel a little frosty. Planning some games in the snow turns the confining blanket outside into a welcoming playground of fun. Although the snow can bring hours of recreation, it can also bring certain risks. Encourage kids to follow safe practices and run off some extra energy, instead of simmering inside and just waiting to blow.

8 mins read

Blow Your Nose, Sit Up Straight, and Say Thank You!

So here I am in Paris having breakfast with my dearest friend Vanina and her husband, along with their adorable two-and-a-half-year-old boy Laurent. Great food, great place, great friends. We dive into conversation. All would be fine and dandy and pretty close to blissful, if it werent for these darned obsessive interruptions from my beloved friend and her husband constantly requesting little Laurent to, Say hello, Give a kiss, Give a hug, Say please, Say thank you, Say bye-bye, Give a bigger kiss.