7 mins read

How To Teach Kids About Money

It should be easy to teach our kids about money. We have it, they need it. The leverage is clearly on our side -- which is not always the case with parents and kids. But teaching children to respect money with out granting it too much power remains one of the more contentious, emotional, and…

5 mins read

Will Divorce Screw Up My Kids?

Reader Unhappily Married writes: After years of unhappiness in my marriage, including fights, lack of communication, and feeling that my husband does not value me, I am strongly considering divorce. In my mind we have tried everything, including more than one attempt at couples counseling and reading self-help books. My husband tells me this will…

2 mins read

The Risks of Using the Same Divorce Lawyer

In the United States, 3.4 of every 1,000 people divorce each year, according to October 2010 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. You certainly don’t imagine, on the happiest day of your life, that the man messily feeding you the first piece of wedding cake could turn into a bitter, vengeful enemy in the courtroom. But, if your happy ending looks unlikely, naivete about the divorce process — such as thinking you’ll save money and time by sharing a lawyer — can bring high costs, both emotional and financial.

3 mins read

Issues With a Surrogate Pregnancy

Some couples, unable to have children of their own, sing the praises of the surrogate process; however, this child-granting medical procedure is not without its issues. Since its creation, this process has been marked with controversy. If you are preparing to enter into a surrogacy arrangement, consider some of the issues that have proven taxing in the past to ensure that you can avoid them now.

7 mins read

The Divorce Decision: To File or Reconcile?

The decision to divorce is excruciating, and as we have seen recently with celebrities and supermodels, its not uncommon for couples to file and then reconcile. Supermodel Stephanie Seymour and publishing tycoon Peter Brant decided, after months of contentious court battles, accusations and millions of dollars in legal fees, to try and make their marriage work. They are not alone in the celebrity world of indecision with public figures like Larry King and Shawn Southwick who filed for divorce in April and halted the proceedings one month later.