3 mins read

Eco-Friendly Cleaners vs Regular Household Cleaners

“Eco-friendly” is a big-time buzzword in the home-cleaning aisles at nearly every store. Specialty companies offer cleaning supplies of all sorts, often in distinctive packaging and fragrances. Even common household names are getting in on the green trend and marketing their own eco-friendly cleaning products. Eco-friendly cleaners often come with a higher price tag, but you may wonder whether they can make a difference in your home and for the environment.

3 mins read

The Smallest Amount of Money Required to Buy Shares

From planning for retirement to preparing for a child’s education, a number of reasons may make moms want to buy shares or look into investing. With many companies offering online trading, you can often buy shares at less expense than you could if you worked with a stock broker. How little money each share costs depends on the company you decide to use for your trades.

3 mins read

Holiday Budget Prep: 3 Things You Should Do Now

The holidays always seem to creep up out of nowhere, which can leave you feeling stressed and over budget if you don’t prepare ahead. And, even though U.S. consumers are feeling financially strained as a result of the pandemic, people are planning to spend more to make this holiday season even more special. According to…

4 mins read

At What Week of Pregnancy Can You Tell if it’s a Girl or Boy?

Many expectant parents are excited to find out whether they are having a baby boy or a baby girl. While some enjoy the surprise of finding out their baby’s sex at birth, others are anxious to find out their baby’s gender as early as possible. There are many old wives’ tales that are quick to offer a prediction of your baby’s sex, but with today’s scientific advancements there are many accurate ways to determine your baby’s sex as early as the 10th week of pregnancy.