4 mins read

Common Myths About Gifted Children

Weve all seen the social caricature of a problem child who seems so highly intelligent in certain areas of life but just cant seem to get it together in others. The youth who become labeled troubled teens because they seem pent up and frustrated with life rather than flourishing. Unfortunately, in many cases, these youth are truly gifted beings hiding under early pigeonholing by a system that failed to recognize their unique situations early on. Understanding the gifted child is a key element in helping he or she lead a successful and productive life.

3 mins read

Does Your Child Have Trouble With Tests? Help Them Study Smarter!

In classrooms across America, teachers strive to provide engaging lessons and meaningful homework, but more often than not, our students are not learning how to learn. Kids walk out of their classrooms armed with study guides, notes, and chapters to read, but they dont know how to put that information into storage for retrieval tomorrow, next week, or three months from now. Here are four easy ways to help your child study smarter:

6 mins read

The Art of Truly Listening to a Troubled Child

By attuning your ears to your childs social environment, parents can learn to listen to what a child is not saying as well as what he is saying. Keep in mind that the top three influences on your childs behavior and feelings are family, school, and friends. If something is amiss with your child – if he acts out, becomes moody and sad, or has trouble finishing his schoolwork – learn to discover the source of the problem in your childs social context. 1) Hear What They Are Afraid To Tell You