5 mins read

Smartphones and Kids: Worth the Wait

I grew up in the technology boom, fascinated by all the latest and greatest things from accessible cell phones to Friendster (totally dating myself) – and have loved every second of it. My personal and professional lives have been forever changed by the evolution of technology, and I’m thrilled that my kids will have access…

5 mins read

Kids and Smartphones: What Age Is The Right Age?

“What age do you think it’s appropriate for my kids’ to have their own smartphone?” It’s a question I get almost daily from the thousands of parents I talk with throughout this country. I’ll be honest – I hate answering this question. First and foremost, I know that most kids are getting their VERY OWN…

3 mins read

Dating Disasters: Phone-Induced Insanity

The next time you’re washing your hubbys dirty underwear and thinking to yourself, Man, I miss being young and single, THINK AGAIN! dont let those worn-out whitey tighties erase your memory of the awful, anxiety-inducing things women have to deal with when partaking in the torturous social ritual called “dating.” Here are just a few things you don’t miss about being single… and trust me, it’s only gotten worse.

1 min read

iPhone Capsule Case

When it comes to the battle between iPhones and blackberries, the iPhone is always the winner in our house! For presents this year, I have found the perfect iPhone accessory. The iPhone Capsule Case by Uncommon is a great gift that your friends and family will love.

4 mins read

How Do I Make Ringtones for My Cell Phone?

Cell phones come with the usual run-of-the-mill ringtones. Often, the choices are too generic or so common that when you are in a public space and you hear a similar ringtone, you can mistake it as your own. In addition, downloading ringtones can be costly, especially if you want to keep changing ringtones. Make your own ringtones that will stand out from the crowd so that there is no mistaking that it is yours. Furthermore, with your own ringtones, you can give your cell phone its own personality that complements yours.