4 mins read

How Your Dinner Plate Can Affect Your Diet

Did you know that your dinner plates can actually affect the amount of food you andyour children consume? As a mom and dietitian, I understand the need for parents to feed their kids well while fostering a positive relationship with food. This relationship is more complicated than the nutritional value of what you serve, however; in fact, it actually begins with your servingware.

10 mins read

March Astrology Reading

March winds have arrived with a fury of tornados devastatingparts of the Midwest and the south, all of which occurredunder the squaring of Venus and Saturn and the moon, a very sad combination indeed.

11 mins read

November Astrology Reading

Surgeons, generals and spies excel under the Scorpio sky, its that kind of depth and power which scores the early November election season every two years. When else could they be possibly held? After the first two days square involving several inner planets, the wildness and buzz calms down for a minute and we can look ahead to some of the highlights of this month.

8 mins read

Taking Child Bullying From “Hit Me” to “Hug Me”

My sixth grade teacher taught me a most invaluable lesson when she said, Cynthia, you need to grow thicker skin. I was a super sensitive kid and really needed to stop letting everything affect me so deeply. My knee jerk response was to sway to the other side of the pendulum, testing my forte at being a bitch and wearing impenetrable armor. My shield became so fortified by 8th grade that you couldnt even ask me for a piece of gum. It took me time to work out the proper balance, but I still get hit with zingers. We all do.