5 mins read

Harvard and Other Elite Schools End Test Optional Applications: What You Need to Know

In a move that has rekindled discussions about the role of standardized tests in college admissions, Harvard University has recently announced that it will reintroduce SAT and ACT scores as a requirement for its application process. This decision marks a significant shift from the temporary test-optional policies adopted by many institutions during the pandemic. Understandably,…

4 mins read

Are You Ruining Sports For Your Kid?

Every fall, there’s a bright shining sports moment when the four most competitive, most watched professional men’s games are simultaneously played in the United States. Sadly for Mets fans, gloriously for the Royals, the World Series ended Sunday night. But basketball, hockey, and football offer daily consolation. As so many of us, alongside our kids,…

6 mins read

Interview 4 Inspiration- Rudy Wietfeldt- Therapist, Speaker, and Author

Interview 4 Inspiration is a series. Here you will find a sequence of questions answered by inspirational people. People who have inspired me in one way or another, either through knowing them personally or through their work. I believe people are the best sources of inspiration; therefore it gives me great pleasure to share a little more about them with you in a series of questions.

6 mins read

How to Find the Best Childcare for Your Family

When I decided to go back to work after my maternity leave, I felt terrified about finding childcare for my daughter. What if my daughter felt neglected? Was I really going to entrust someone else to make the right decisions regarding my child? From mom to mom, here are six keys to finding the ideal childcare situation for your family.