4 mins read

Attention Moms: Good Morning and Get Moving!

The mornings are dark, cold and quiet. Oh, what a treat as the house lays still and silent, without a even a peep from our little one’s lips. If you are like me, the unpleasant visual of jumping out of bed while the kids are cozy under their covers, can be less than invigorating.

3 mins read

I Pay More Attention to My Cell Than My Baby. Yikes.

OMG. I am SO guilty of using my cell phone way more than I should — when I was first on maternity leave with my baby, I’m embarrassed to say almost every single picture had my cell phone in it somewhere, meaning the thing was always close to me so I wouldn’t miss any important calls, texts or emails. Now that I’ve gone back to work, I find myself missing my baby and coming home wanting to be with her but STILL distracted by the buzzes coming in. I really need to stop.

3 mins read

Do You See The Signs?

Do you have a question? Are you wondering which direction you should go? Do you ever let signs guide you in life? In the past I wouldnt say I didnt believe in signs, but I definitely did not pay close attention to them. There are lots of times in life when we feel unsure and we dont know how to find the answers. Have you ever tried asking the question and watching for the signs?

2 mins read

Signs of Ovulation and Pregnancy

If you are trying to get pregnant, you will probably want to know what signs and symptoms signal ovulation and indicate early pregnancy. Your ovaries normally release an egg about 14 days after the beginning of your period. The exact time of your ovulation may vary if your periods are irregular. Although the symptoms of ovulation can be difficult to detect, you may notice certain changes if you pay close attention. The same holds true for early pregnancy, the first indicators of pregnancy are subtle and may be easy to miss.

5 mins read

Are You A Helicopter Parent?

A helicopter parent is a colloquial, early 21st-century term for a parent who pays extremely close attention to his or her childs or childrens experiences and problems, particularly at educational institutions. Helicopter parents are so named because, like helicopters, they hover closely overhead, rarely out of reach, whether their children need them or not.