1 min read

Relieve Chronic Stress (Guided Meditation)

This guided meditation helps relieve the chronic stress we carry in our daily lives. Finding ways to release stress is essential to keeping our bodies healthy and balanced. Although we are able to handle short amounts of stress, such as emergency situations, we were not meant to carry the long term stress many of us face today with fast paced lives.

3 mins read

Autism and Dyspraxia

Autism and Dyspraxia What is dyspraxia? (I am no expert. This is info that I read recently and want to share what I think I learned.) Dyspraxia is also known as Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) or developmental dyspraxia. It is a chronic neurological disorder that typically begins in childhood. It can affect planning of movements…

7 mins read

Of Life, Loss and Finding Joy

That Moment in Time – When it felt time to have my first child, I knew it, and approached it as inevitable. But my next steps in life didn’t follow a straight path, it jerked sideways and turned out nothing like I imagined it would. I define my life as the before and the after;…

2 mins read

It Takes A Village

Single mom. That's me. There are many more of us now, it seems. Since Day One, my life as a mother has been pre-defined by these two words that carry a mixed review in the general populace, even in today's modern world. Honestly though, some days I'm grateful for the simplicity of parenting when it's…

8 mins read

Risky Business: Getting To The Core

I got into an argument with a guy recently concerning the reasons why it feels so disorienting to do a somersault when you get older. I know, I’m “that” dinner party guest. He claimed it had to do with the aging process of your ears and the crystals that inhabit the ear canal. I agreed…