3 mins read

Toddlers With Chronic Diarrhea

It’s always frustrating when your child is suffering from diarrhea, but especially so when the diarrhea just won’t seem to go away. Chronic diarrhea isn’t caused by the same things that cause acute, or short-term, diarrhea, and the symptoms of the two differ. If you suspect your child is suffering from a condition that may be causing chronic diarrhea, make an appointment to speak to her pediatrician as soon as possible.

3 mins read

Cures for Toddler Diarrhea

The appearance of toddler stools change in consistency due to diet and overall health. Loose stools don’t always constitute toddler diarrhea, which is also known as chronic nonspecific diarrhea. Childhood diarrhea is watery and usually causes your toddler to have bowel movements more frequently than normal. Diarrhea is often treated at home, but some cases of toddler diarrhea warrant a trip to the doctor.

2 mins read

The Poopy Puppy

When I got talked into getting a dog almost 2 years ago, I really didn’t know what I was getting myself into. Growing up, I had never had a dog. Heck, I don’t think I had ever properly petted a dog.  But I signed up, got our puppy and, honestly, I can’t imagine our family…

6 mins read

Psoriatic Arthritis and Taking Charge of Your Health

At the start of the year, many people resolved to take better control of their health – by making necessary doctors’ appointments, exercising more, eating more fruits and vegetables, and losing weight. As moms, it can be difficult to make our own health a priority, but it’s very important to do so. Taking control of…

8 mins read

Tired All the Time? It Might Be What You’re Eating

Youre just a busy mom, the doctor told me after returning with test results that showed no indication of an underlying medical condition that would account for my chronic fatigue: no anemia, no hyperthyroidism, no urinary tract infection or heart issuesall possible causes of extreme exhaustion. Try to give yourself a break, he recommended. Take time to exercise every day, and make sure you get enough sleep. But I did exercise, and I …