5 mins read

8 Things That Changed When I Had Kids

One of the first things you hear when you tell people you’re pregnant is, “Better get your sleep now.” Or they smile and say good luck. Yes, your life will never be the same. But it’s the little details that have changed that are the ones that really floor me each and every day. And…

6 mins read

How will the pandemic change you?

Growing up, I spent a lot of time at my grandparents’ house. They lived about 10 minutes away and their place was my second home. I went there after school as a kid, and in high school, nearly every night to call my friends who lived in their phone prefix. In those days, long-distance was…

5 mins read

Vaccines, Autism, and the Coronavirus – Part Two

Vaccines, Autism, and the Coronavirus - Part Two My belief is that vaccines (specifically the MMR vaccine) does not cause autism. Take a look at where we are now. What’s happening in the world? A world pandemic because of a coronavirus. The illness caused by this coronavirus is called Covid 19. It is devastating the…

7 mins read

An Open Letter To Older Women Who Resent Younger Wives

Editor’s note: The following post was submitted in response to An Open Letter To Men Who “Trade In” For Younger Wives. It was originally published on The Tomboy Mommy.I know this letter was open to men, older men, but it asked a few questions of me that I chanced were not rhetorical and perhaps you wanted answered.As a woman married to a man who is 28 years older, I found An Open …