2 mins read

Surviving Mother’s Day

With Mother’s Day quickly approaching, many women are feeling the dread of what can be a very complicated holiday. This year, let’s be mindful or ourselves and our friends who might need a little extra TLC on Mother’s Day. 1) Women struggling with fertility If you’re still waiting to hear the word “mama”, this day…

1 min read

Memorial Day: Remembering Those Who Served

The brave die never, though they sleep in dust: Their courage nerves a thousand living men. – Minot J. Savage Every year, at the end of May, we take a day to honor those who have died for our country. Memorial Day is more than backyard barbecues – it’s a time to reflect and remember the approximately 1.3 million soldiers, not including those missing in action or wounded, who paid the ultimate price for our freedom. Around the nation, we pay tribute to these brave men and women, with parades, dedications and services at monuments and memorials.

3 mins read

When Memories Burn

I always knew it would happen. That one day I would pop on Facebook and see one of those posts at the top of my news feed. The ones where Facebook shares with you some of your prior posts on that day, year's past. And it would burn. "Becky, we care about you and the…

4 mins read

Thanksgivukkah Boycott

The Jewish calendar is a strange thing. Ill spare you the gory details, but the most important things to know are that its a luni-solar calendar, and that there are seven leap years in every nineteen year cycle. And leap year doesnt mean you add a day, like in the Gregorian calendar. It means you add an entire 30 day month.

4 mins read

Mommy On The Run

People run for two reasons: theyre either running for something or running away from something. But sometimes its a combination of the two. Im running to train for the Savannah Rock n Roll half marathon. Im in the last few weeks of my training program and so far so good. Well, mostly good. Ive been experiencing bouts of the runners trots around mile six.