4 mins read

Why Low Fat Diets Don’t Work

Have you ever been around a pre-menopausal woman on a low fat diet? WATCH OUT! Not only will she be on edge from hunger, but her hormones will be totally out of whack! In addition she will most likely overeat carbs due to her hunger, which will in turn spike insulin production and lead to excessive weigh gain. Angry, overweight, and hormonal is no way to go through life! Seriously – woman need fat to be healthy.

10 mins read

My Vegan Journey Revealed

With all the talk about Oprah and her staffs 28-day vegan challenge, I thought it would be good to give some insight into my vegan journey, which began 6 years ago. I am the founder and creator of the raw, vegan, gluten-free snack food brand Hail Merry. I have passed through the worlds of being an omnivore, pescatarian, vegetarian, vegan, and high raw foodist and now I proudly consider myself a flexitarian”. Where I …

5 mins read

Life Lessons from The King’s Speech and Beyond

With the big win of The King’s Speech at the Academy Awards Sunday night comes an invitation to discuss a most basic premise of the Soul to Soul Perspective–wisdom can be found everywhere–everyday life is our best and most profound teacher. The books, movies, articles, songs, confrontations, illnesses, and even laundry create the tapestry of a sacred life.

5 mins read

COCONUT OIL – The Fat That Makes You Thin!

Dr. Oz did a segment on the benefits of coconut oil consumption last week on his popular TV show. Finally more and more people will begin to understand and benefit from the positive research that is out there on the healing properties of coconut oil! While there is still a lot to learn, we can be happy that Dr. Oz and others are blessing this incredible life-giving energy source!

4 mins read

To a Healthier You in 2011: Start an Enzyme Flush

New Years Resolution #1 for me each New Year since I learned about the raw food diet is to CONSUME MORE ENZYMES! I am a confessed obsessive compulsive when it comes to what I eat, but during the holiday season I definitely let my hair down and enjoy a cocktail (or two), indulge in lobster ravioli, eat pancakes, dance like no one is watching and the list goes on and on.