5 mins read

Bladder Infection? You Don’t Need Antibiotics!

All right ladies, we all know the feeling that sense of urgency, the painful urination, sometimes worse. Bladder infections are more than just a pain in the you know what. They can be a constant source of irritation and inconvenience. They also force us take medications and supplements that are just plain bad for you. Just thinking about it makes me want to cross my legs and squint my eyes! Throw in the subsequent yeast infection that trails the bladder infection (caused by antibiotics) and youre left with a woman on the brink!

6 mins read

Should Your Kids Tell You When They Start Having Sex?

When you first had sex, did you tell your parents? Either parent? BOTH of them? In my case, being a 70s child, I never discussed sexuality (my own or others) with my mother or father. After I had three kids in my 30s, I assume they figured out I knew what to do between the sheets. But the subject continued to be an unexplored, lets say completely closed, family topic.

4 mins read

Great Holiday Topic: Teens, Pregnancy and STIs

Here's a fun dinner table theme to tender as you and your loved ones gather for the holidays: the risks of teenagers having sex. Imagine it: “Aunt Mabel, did you know that 47% of high schools students have had sex, but only 22% have ever been tested for HIV?” Parenting teenagers can, at times, feel…

8 mins read

Debunking Some Myths About Labor and Delivery

In honor of Labor Day, I thought I would take this opportunity to write about something I have lots of experience with – labor. Im not talking about the labor of keeping up with the laundry that comes with having so many children, or the labor of trying to meet deadlines at work by writing an award-winning story, or the labor I have recently realized it takes to start dating online.