4 mins read

The ABC’s of Bras: How to Choose the Right Support

Are you wearing a bra? Guess what – it probably doesn’t fit! For years, industry experts have claimed that somewhere around 85% of women are either not getting enough support from their undergarments as a result of wearing bras several sizes to big or hurting their breasts by smushing them into containers that are too small. Although we weren’t able to find any hard research to back up this stat, it’s a pretty widely held perception that women are commonly mistaken about their bra size.

5 mins read

Four Ways to Avoid the Money Traps at the Supermarket

Dont Be a Supermarket Zombie Its 5:45 p.m. on a Friday. You are exhausted from the week and have just one more stop before home and the controlled chaos of movie night with your family. You simply need milk, paper towels, fancy cheese for your husband couldnt he be more specific just once and the specialty fish sticks for your finicky fourth grader. Easy right? Youll be in and …

7 mins read

What’s In Your Inner Beauty Bag?

While Facebook is not the most comprehensive look at a persons life, you often learn a lot about priorities and patterns examining social media posts. Me? Youd learn that Im passionate about autism, my writing, my family and my friends. May sound like an amateur move, but I thought Id poke around the Facebook page of Felita Harris, Senior Vice President of Global Sales for Donna Karan New York, before diving …

4 mins read

Sustainable Fashion: Interview With LISSA the shop Founder

Glamorous to many, the fashion industry is one of the most polluting in the world. Not just because of the widespread use of pesticides and herbicides to treat textile crops, or the toxic coloring methods that eventually runs off into rivers, but because the fast-fashion industry promotes disposable fashion, cheap clothing that ends up in a landfill sooner rather than later.

3 mins read

Buy, Baby, Buy: How Did You Decide What To Purchase?

On the heels of my third maternity leave and re-entry to my day job marketing products to moms, I find myself consciously evaluating the new baby brands and products in my own home – the things that have become part of my daily routine (and sanity!). The baby products market is a $6 billion industry so why did I choose these particular items?