1 min read

Katie Homes Buying J. Lo Baby Gifts?

Katie Holmes fueled pregnancy rumors when her assistant placed an order for six organic baby blankets in petal pink and ocean blue from robbieadrian.com. A source close to Katie and hubby Tom Cruise said the actress is not pregnant. Could Katie be shopping for still pregnant pal Jennifer Lopez? Thats my guess, anyway.

4 mins read

3 Financial Moves to Make Before You Buy a Home

Home sales in the U.S. are skyrocketing as interest rates remain at historically low levels. In fact, Zillow expects nearly 7 million existing-home sales this year—the most since 2005. With so many prospective homebuyers on the market, you too may be wondering if it’s time to take the plunge into homeownership. Before you begin hunting…

1 min read

Why Buy Organic Fruits & Veggies for Your Kids?

These days, its tough to know exactly what youre getting when you buy fresh fruits and vegetables. We all know that we have to wash our produce before eating it, but increasingly more and more water-resistant chemicals and pesticides that wont wash off with the rain are added to growing produce, and therefore these chemicals are harder to wash off in our homes before we eat them.

3 mins read

Ways to Buy a House

A key element of the American Dream has been for families to own their own homes. For many families this is their primary goal. Home ownership is a practical financial investment that offers many rewards and advantages, yet for many families the dream continues to remain out of reach. However, if you have the ability to repay a home loan, but lack the required down payment, there are ways, which may allow you to buy a house more affordably.

18 mins read

Why Homeschool?

LIKE most parents, I had always looked forward to the day when my children would finally enter school. During those early years of infancy and toddlerhood, when mothering feels like such a full-time job, I would assure myself that I would have a glimpse of my old life back …