8 mins read

To Work or Stay at Home? That is the Great Mom Question

The debate of “Working Mom” vs. “Stay at Home Mom” has been going on for centuries. Starting with the cave women, I am sure that Betty resented Wilma, who got to stay home while Betty was out foraging for food and supplies, all because Barney was too busy trying to invent the wheel, or making fire or goofing off at that Buffalo Lodge.

5 mins read

Finding and Expressing True Gratitude

The following is a guest post by Jason Anthony. Do you know the difference between having thanks and truly being grateful? It has been said that you do not know what you have until it is gone, and that is a lesson that could not be more true for me. I used to sort of bounce through life offering thanks to many around me in a cordial kind of way, but I didnt really consider what it meant to have a real appreciation for what it was I had.

3 mins read

Hair Removal Products for Women

Some women might decide to visit a beauty salon with waxing or tweezing services in their mission to remove unwanted body hair, according to the Mayo Clinic. Others might try more permanent forms of hair removal such as electrolysis or laser hair removal. But busy moms, especially those worried about time and budget constraints, might try to use at-home treatments to remove unwanted hair from almost any part of the body ranging from the eyebrows to the pubic region.

3 mins read

Hi Nicole–my son (who is 3 yrs old) is getting speech therapy two times per week in our home and my

Hi Janice! Thank you for your question.This is actually a very common concern for parents. The sibling of a child receiving any type of therapy (physical therapy/occupational therapy/behavioral therapy..etc) will often get jealous of the attention their brother/sister is getting. In more extreme cases, where the child is getting a bunch of different therapies and the parents are giving this child a lot of extra attention due to his learning and/or behavioral difficulties–it is not uncommon for the sibling to begin acting out.