3 mins read

Croup in Children

If it’s wintertime and you have a child who is 5 years old or younger who has a barking type of cough, she might have a virus called croup. Children older than 5 years can also get croup, and they can get croup in other seasons besides winter, but it’s most common in young children and during the winter months. Most times, croup is mild enough that you can treat it at home, but recognize the signs of a more serious condition that requires a doctor’s attention.

3 mins read

Why Do Toddlers Have Fat Bellies?

With all the worries that come with being a parent, your toddler’s sweet little round belly shouldn’t be one of them. I’m sure you thought that once they were up and walking that they would immediately begin to look like older children, but the truth is, they will maintain that pudgy little belly for just…

15 mins read

5 Dream Destinations for Your Second Honeymoon

Ill be completely honestmy honeymoon, nearly 20 years ago, wasnt all that great. I was sick in bed with the flu the whole first week on Kauai. The second week, my husband and I decided to try our hand at windsurfing on Maui. While I was feeling better, it was grueling. We ended each day bandaging our blistered hands (a side effect of gripping the boom when youre a beginner windsurfer …