2 mins read

Relaxation Games for Kids

When planning activities and games for children, many parents and teachers overlook relaxation games. These games work well for children of all ages and skill levels, giving participants a chance to recharge, refocus and just breathe. Integrate relaxing games with more active games to vary the pace of activities. The open-ended nature of relaxation games means you can play them for as long as necessary, expanding or contracting them to suit the attention spans and physical needs of the children.

2 mins read

Yoga for Pregnant Mothers

Prenatal yoga is an exercise option for pregnant women that is growing in popularity. Staying active during pregnancy helps boost your energy levels and may even relieve some of the aches and pains you feel. For those who already practice yoga, prenatal yoga is a natural continuation of that practice. Those new to yoga can also benefit from the activity.

4 mins read

Over-the-Counter Medicine for Menopause

Hot flashes, vaginal atrophy, relaxation of the pelvic muscles and hair growth where you don’t want it and hair thinning where you do. If that litany doesn’t make you want to scream, it will surely have you running to your nearest pharmacy for some help. Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines are available for menopausal women. Just make sure you know what’s what.

4 mins read

Night Chills & Fever

During challenging physical conditions and situations, the body undergoes temperature changes. For instance, the body shows signs and symptoms that trigger the natural body defenses against dreaded diseases. Chills often predict the coming of a fever or an increase in body temperature. The body tries to generate heat when it feels cold through rapid contraction and relaxation that can cause chills. When fever manifests, the body’s temperatures reaches one or two notches higher than 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit and may indicate an infection or illness.

3 mins read

Aromatherapy for Labor and Birth Space

As a Birth doula with a background in healing, one of the healing modalities I use to better support my clients during labor is aromatherapy. Not only can it change the whole energy of the birth space but it also does so much to support the laboring mama. Here are a few of my go-to…