4 mins read

Basic Strength-Training Workouts for Women

If you’ve been one those women who has feared strength training because you don’t want to end up looking like a body builder, it’s time to put those fears to rest. Strength training will help you have more energy and endurance to get through your day and can give you a brighter outlook on life. Make sure you talk to your doctor before starting a strength-training program and always stretch before each workout.

2 mins read

How to Increase Bench Press Weight Fast

Unless you are a pro body builder, you probably do not want to spend all your time at the gym. Bench pressing saves you time by working out your chest and arm muscles in a single exercise with simple equipment. As with any exercise, it is common to hit a plateau where it becomes difficult to increase how much you lift. When you make a few small changes to your workout and eating habits, you’ll be lifting at a higher weight in no time.

1 min read

Dear Daughter…

My 5am alarm clock jolts me to consciousness with a sharp noise  I sprint with a bottle sloshing around and then I grab some toys  When you scream so loud others run away and flee But I’m here listening trying to appear as calm as can be  You need my arms for hours a day to make…

3 mins read

Weight Loss Systems for Men

Statistics from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey suggest that as many as 72 percent of men are overweight or obese (measured as a body mass index of 25 or more). Clearly, there are a lot of men who could stand to lose a few pounds. Newsweek, however, reports that men and women approach weight loss in different ways, so traditional calorie-counting diets may not be as effective for men. It takes a combination of diet and exercise to lose weight, and different diets focus on different methods.

4 mins read

10 Best Foods to Build Muscle

There’s a lot of information out there about high-protein diets and how to build muscle by including more protein in your diet. However, not all sources of protein are created equal. Some protein sources will also fill you up with excessive calories and saturated fat. Stock your pantry with the foods listed below and make them essential components of your meals and snacks. You will give your muscles what they need without contributing to your fat stores.