2 mins read

Migraine Headaches & Fever

Although many people refer to all bad headaches as migraines, a migraine must meet certain criteria. While the frequency and intensity of these painful episodes vary between individuals, they often occur with specific types of symptoms. The symptoms you experience can help your doctor diagnose what type of migraines you experience. An elevation in body temperature, known as a fever, is your body’s response to illness. Although not a common situation, fever and migraine headaches may occur at the same time.

2 mins read

The Best Diet Pills for Losing Weight

There’s no such thing as a magic or totally risk-free diet pill, according to the Mayo Clinic. Whatever diet pill you decide to use, you must increase your exercise, change your diet and also stay mindful of your body’s response to the drug; side effects are possible with even the best diet drugs out there. Several diet pills are less risky and more commonly prescribed or purchased over the counter than others.

2 mins read

Handle stress with ease~

So, how stressed are you in your life? Are you on edge more than normal? Are you less capable of handling life’s stressors? Do you feel your heart race when someone confronts you or when you feel personally attacked? Your body’s response to stress can have serious consequences both on a physical and emotional level. There have been numerous studies about the bodies negative reaction to stress. Reactions vary from heightened allergies, to heart disease to depression.It is very easy to get caught up in “life” and your normal reaction to certain triggers.

2 mins read

Stress Relieving Neck Stretches

Stress is the body’s response to increased physical and mental demands. The neck, which is comprised of cervical vertebrae, shock-absorbing disks, muscles and vertebral ligaments, is particularly vulnerable since physical stress brought on by poor habits, such as bad posture, teeth grinding and sleeping position, can cause muscles to tighten or tense. Even activities like reading in bed can throw the neck out of alignment, causing pain, headaches (when muscles in the neck begin to affect nerves) and possibly more serious problems. Try the following stress-relieving neck stretches to ease tension. Be sure to breathe while stretching, and stop if you feel pain, tingling, numbness or dizzy.

2 mins read

Adrenal Fatigue in Kids

While certain symptoms your child experiences may provide clues for a simple and quick diagnosis, vague symptoms can be harder for you to identify. Although you may have heard about individuals having an illness called adrenal fatigue, MayoClinic.com advises that the term adrenal fatigue is not a true medical diagnosis. Instead, it is a term that some health books and alternative medicine practitioners use to describe a group of nonspecific symptoms.