2 mins read

Beautiful Fragrances for Women

Choosing just the right fragrance for women can be daunting. The beauty of a fragrance is in the nose of the beholder, so the citrus accent in Origins Spring Fever may smell clean and fresh to one woman but unromantic to another woman, just as a classic perfume such as Chanel No. 5 might strike just the right floral note for some but seem too traditional for others.

1 min read

Pink Ribbon Yoga Mat

Yoga is perfect for unwinding and feeling healthier in body, mind and spirit! With the holidays (and holiday stress) fast approaching, I know I’ll be looking forward to my yoga classes more than ever.

10 mins read

Mother’s Day Gift Guide – 21 Gifts She’ll Love

Mother’s Day is a week away and odds are, you’re scrambling to find the perfect gift to put a smile on her face! No need to look any further… here are 21 fabulous gifts, both thoughtful and stylish, to show her the sweetest love and appreciation:   Illuminating Body Milk by Volition Designed to work…

1 min read

Make Your Own Vintage Valentine’s Day Cards

These beautiful vintage Valentines are simple to make and will charm the pants off of your Valentine! Okay, they’ll most likely keep their pants on, but will be utterly impressed with your homemade effort! Supplies Cardstock Matte photo paper Glitter glue Spray glue Home printer Gold pen Decorative edge punch Directions